Toilets FAQ

Your Questions Answered

If you’re planning outdoor activities, a road trip, camping, or are looking for a toilet solution to suit your needs, find out all the answers below!

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Can women pee standing up without using any device?

Yes. Women can stand up and pee, just like a man. Here’s how:

  1. Keep it hygiene – Clean your hands before and after peeing.
    And remember to hold tight your TP or wipes.
  2. Wear a skirt – Or you will have to take off your underwear completely.
  3. Wide standing more than shoulder-width apart.
  4. Know your body – Locat the small hole behind the clit.
  5. Peeing Use your fingers to spread those two little lips to enable the stream.

Do pee funnels works?

Yes, they work. Made of plastic, silicone, or cardboard, these female urination aids that are known as STP devices or Pee funnels, can help women pee while standing up. Read more

How to use urinetion funnels?

Although each device is different, using STP devices is more or less the same and varies depending on the material it is made of. Follow those simple steps:

  1. Place it between your legs so that its upper part is facing backwards.
  2. Make sure that all clothing pieces are out of the way.
  3. Start peeing and keep it flow.
  4. Finish up:
    – Plastic STP device: Pull it forward and upward to remove the remaining drops.
    – Silicon & Cardboard STP devices: Use toilet paper or use baby wipes.
  5. Cleaning: Wash it with fresh water and soap or use wet wipes.

More about Pee Funnels in this In-Depth Guide.